you'll need:
one photo of Will Graham, printed off the internet (or from your personal collection)
a thick piece of paper (I used scrapbook paper)
a piece of vellum paper
Mod Podge
paint, color of your choice
glue stick
red thread + needle

Start by carefully trimming around Will until he's all alone. :( Then place him in the center of your paper and trace out a 5x5" square around him. Give Will a lil' kiss on the forehead, whisper that everything will be okay, and then paste him down with the glue stick. No need to be excessive here, this is just to keep him in place for the Mod Podge.

Add your title (bad handwriting is optional). Get creative with some paint if you want. When the paint dries, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge over the entire square.

Once the Mod Podge is dry, cut out the square and use it to trace & cut out an identical square of vellum paper. Get out your needle and thread. Sandwich your papers together and start stitching, starting from a top corner and threading to the opposite side and then back again.

Don't worry about it looking nice, in fact, the more haphazard, the better. Just stop every now and then to make sure your cd will still fit inside, and that it won't slip out of any of the sides (except for the top, of course).

Now you have a home for your Will Graham mixtape, which if you haven't already made, you should do so now. Or you can peruse the 90+ Will Graham themed mixes on 8tracks, which includes my own:
{bad dreams}
1. Demons - Chelsea Wolfe
2. Prospectors Arrive - Jonny Greenwood
3. Well of Misery - Nick Cave
4. Friend - Susanna and the Magical Orchestra
5. To the Forests, Toward the Sea - Chelsea Wolfe
6. The Heart Harmonicon - Colleen
7. This Much I Know - Lissie
8. Wake - The Antlers